Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Religion: Taoism and Confucianism

“Taoism and Confucianism”

            Taoism is thought to be the main belief of the ancient Chinese Han dynasty. The people of Han would partake in rituals or ceremonies for worship and a lot of people had expensive burials and the emperor even partook in these rituals. Most people didn’t just do burials for people who recently died but also the past ancestors from a long time before them. The emperor was so involved he climbed the mountain of Tai to give offerings to earth and heaven. Another thing that the Han’s believed in was Confucianism but they viewed Confucianism more as a philosophy than a belief. The Han people were some of the first to believe in Confucianism and even though it wasn’t much of a religion it was still very important for that era. Lastly, Buddhism probably wouldn’t have worked for some people in this country because it is to keep the soul clear and quiet. This wouldn’t work because there were armies in China and if they believed in Buddhism they would not have a very good or strong army and they would probably be attacked a lot. That is how Taoism and Confucianism helped the Han dynasty. 

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